PM defends NIS debt write-off

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley says a write-off of debt to the National Insurance Service (NIS) was among urgent initiatives taken by Government to stabilise the economy, save the dollar from devaluation and avoid imposing financial burden on Barbadians.

She lambasted opponents of pension reform and critics of the NIS debt write-off at Tuesday night’s St Andrew Speaks parish town hall meeting at the Alleyne School.

The Government leader also announced that a detailed report to the country on pension reform was coming in a matter of days.

She charged that the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) administration, which came into office in 2018, inherited arrears from central government to the tune of $1.9 billion. This figure, she said, excluded the NIS debt.

“Now, if we didn’t write it off, who in here would have to pay, and across Barbados?” Mottley asked. (HH)

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