Pinelands take crown

Anchored by captain and Most Valuable Player, Deroni Hurley, Pinelands were crowned new Premier League champions after coming from a 2-1 deficit to dethrone Burger King Clapham Bulls 3-2 in the Co-operators General Insurance Barbados Amateur Basketball Association Finals.

Pinelands stuck to the game plan in Saturday night’s decisive fifth game showdown at the Wildey Gymnasium to win 89-80 after commanding the first three quarters 22-13, 45-34, 65-59 and become this year’s double champions.

Captain Hurley scored 15 points while Deveron Knight produced a team-high 29 points. Also making an impact and contribution to Pinelands’ total were Rasheed Maynard (15), Carl Thorpe Jr (10), Rachad Hall (9), Derion Hurley (7) and Jeremy Gill (6).

“We were down two games and we went back to the Pine, sat down and decided what we were going to do and we stuck to it regardless of what happened,” Pinelands’ victorious coach Renaldo Maughan told NATION SPORT amid celebrations after the game. (ML)

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