A young woman yesterday testified to feeling angry and fearful while she was being raped, and said she did not consent to having sex with her alleged attacker.
She was giving evidence yesterday into the rape trial of Mario Rommell Neptune, 36, of Spooner’s Hill, St Michael, which got underway in the No. 2 Supreme Court before Justice Randall Worrell.
Neptune has pleaded not guilty to raping the woman on April 15, 2017, and is represented by attorney Justin Leacock with assistance from King’s Counsel Michael Lashley, while Senior State Counsel Olivia Davis is prosecuting.
During her testimony, the 23-year-old told the court she met Neptune while attending the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology in 2017 as he limed at a shop near the bus stop where she usually waited after class.
She said she gave Neptune her number and they interacted via WhatsApp messenger but she found Neptune to be “very pushy”, and wanting to be in a relationship though “not really knowing me”. (RA)