Sentence angers convicted man

Anderson Levere Kellman was not happy with the jail time he got yesterday.

So upset was he with the five years and 63 days he was ordered to serve by Justice Laurie-Ann Smith-Bovell for serious bodily harm, that not only did he loudly declare he would be appealing, but he littered the air with curses as he was being hustled out of the No. 4 Supreme Court.

Kellman, 52, of Agate Road, Kingsland Terrace, Christ Church, was back in the No. 4 Supreme Court for sentencing.

He had been on trial for causing serious bodily harm to Kevin Wickham with intent on March 11, 2018, and the lesser, alternate count of unlawfully and maliciously inflicting serious bodily harm on Wickham. (HLE)

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