The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) has opened its doors to the public and is inviting all and sundry to log into its research.
Director, Professor Don Marshall, told The Nation this week was designated as research week, and the work done by SALISES was being showcased to many stakeholders throughout Barbados, from curiosity driven research projects to those that were commissioned by various agencies and international organisations.
“Today particularly, we wanted to pay focus to our predecessor, the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER). Everyone knew SALISES previously as ISER, and we thought we would use this moment to honour some of those pass staff members and speak about the work and legacy left behind by what they did,” he explained.
The director noted there were a number of celebrated scholars who had passed through the halls of ISER – including Prime Ministers and outstanding public servants – as research assistants, junior research fellows and research fellows.
“We wanted to remind our many publics of the value and the legacy. For the rest of the week we will be advising, we will be meeting members of the public to discuss any of our ongoing projects and to just make ourselves available for questions about the work we do, why we do what we do, etcetera,” he said. (RA)