Members of the Barbados Egg and Poultry Association (BEPA) will not be part of a second social compact should Government and the private sector agree to another one.
During a meeting yesterday at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, they voted against rejoining 26-1, saying the ten per cent price reduction caused some of the smaller producers to drop out of the sector.
“We are just a small player in the economy, the big boys in the Social Partnership have said that they are thinking about negotiating a second compact . . . . All I am saying is that I want to hear from small farmers is whether they would be willing to go ahead with a new compact,” said BEPA board member Robert Tudor.
“We need to know whether farmers would be willing to go in at five per cent, three per cent or none at all.”
The first social compact is scheduled to expire on January 31. (Nation News)