MISSING: Jade Sapphire Patricia Cole

The Barbados Police Service is seeking the assistance of the public in locating missing girl Jade Sapphire Patricia Cole, 15 years, of  Wanstead Gardens, St Michael.

She is about 5’ 3” tall; medium build, with almond shaped eyes, medium, flatish nose and hair worn in a short afro with the sides lower than the top.

Both ears pierced twice with two studs in her left ear only. She has a heart tattoo with an ‘L’ in it on her left wrist. She also has scars on both hands and bad acne in her face.

Cole, who looks older than her age, usually likes to be alone. There is no information on the clothing she was wearing. She frequents Kings Village, Holder’s Hill, St James.

Anyone person who may know the whereabouts of Jade Sapphire Patricia Cole  is asked to contact the District ‘A’ Police Station at telephone number 430-7242 or 430-7246, Police Emergency at 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIPS (8477), or the nearest police station.

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