‘Lashes outdated way to punish children’

A psychologist at the Child Care Board (CCB) believes corporal punishment is outdated.

Yesterday, clinical psychologist Josette Sam led the CCB’s workshop for foster parents to discuss alternatives to corporal punishment as part of Child Month celebrations.

She said people needed to change their mindset and find healthier ways to address children’s behaviour.

“When we look at discipline in the Caribbean context, we grew up in a society where we think our parents think that licks are everything and the fastest thing that parents of yesteryear could do is reach for the belt or whatever comes to hand in terms of disciplining children. We have parents that will tell you it worked for me but what persons don’t understand is the negative effects that it has on children,” she said.

She stressed that old practices must be discarded so children could thrive in a positive environment, while highlighting the CCB’s plan to create more programmes to educate parents on other ways to discipline children. (RT)

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