House resumes on Tuesday

The House of Assembly will meet for the first time in 2023 on Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the Parliament Buildings, in Bridgetown.

First up on the order paper, Senior Minister of Productive Sectors Kerrie Symmonds is scheduled to lead the resumption of debate on the second reading of the Barbados Metrology Bill, 2022.

The Bill was first read on February 8 last year and again by Symmonds on October 4 before it was postponed for further consideration.

Following on from that, Deputy Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw will speak on the second readings of the Barbados Water Reuse Bill 2022 and the Barbados Water Authority (Amendment) Bill 2022. Both of those Bills were first read on February 8, 2022.

Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn is also scheduled to move a Resolution that the Barbados Fiscal Framework 2023-2024 to 2025-2026 be debated in Parliament. He is also scheduled to move the first reading of the Duties, Taxes and other Payments (Exemption) Bill, 2023.

Finally, Minister of Agriculture Indar Weir is also set to move the second reading of the Plant Protection Bill, 2022. The Bill was first read on December 16.

Tuesday will be the 33rd sitting of Parliament for the 2022-2027 period. The first meeting of the First Session was held on February 4, 2022. (JC)

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