Minister of Health and Wellness The Honourable Dr Jerome Walcott issued the following statement on the National COVID-19 Response Programme.
Those who were temporarily employed under this arrangement have been informed that their assignments will end on March 31.
Some people have already found alternative employment.
The statement follows in full:
As part of the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ National COVID-19 response, 538 persons were recruited to serve in various capacities.
They were recruited at different intervals from May 2020 to meet the needs of the National Programme in areas such as contact tracing, testing, laboratory services, air and seaport surveillance, COVID-19 monitoring and hotline response.
Persons were recruited with the understanding that their service was temporary.
Over time, the Ministry has reduced its response to COVID-19 based on the declining national trends.
On December 22, 2022 the Emergency Management Order came to an end, including all its concomitant directives.
In the circumstances where COVID-19 levels remain low and are not considered an immediate public health threat, the high level of human resources is no longer required. During the ensuing period, more than 160 individuals found alternative employment or resigned.
Persons were informed in December, 2022 that their assignments were coming to an end. In January, 2023 they were further informed that their assignments would end on March 31, 2023 and that they would receive formal notification at the due time.
The Ministry of Health and Wellness is pleased to report that of the 374 persons remaining, more than 100 have found alternative career paths within the Ministry.
The Ministry takes this opportunity to thank each of these individuals who contributed immensely to the National COVID-19 response.